Pioneer Valley and Eungella National Park, The
Camping and visitor centres closures
Applies until 30 June 2020.
As part of the Queensland Governments response to COVID-19 (coronavirus) and to help keep Queenslanders safe, a decision has been made to close ALL camping areas within Queensland national parks, state forests and recreation areas as of 26 March 2020 until further notice.
Four-wheel drive trails, mountain bike trails, walking tracks and trails, bushwalks and national park coastal walks, remain open. People who are visiting these areas and taking part in recreation activities in national parks and other areas, should continue to follow the Queensland Health advice about not travelling outside of their local area and for public gatherings and social distancing.
A wonderland of waterfalls, refreshingly cool rainforest and the chance to see a platypus in the wild beckons exploration in Eungella National Park. Australia's longest stretch of sub-tropical rainforest, Eungella, (pronounced young-ge-lah), is a must-see attraction.
Travel through the lush lowlands of the Pioneer Valley, carpeted in sugar cane, before arriving at the beautiful Finch Hatton Gorge. Scuba dive with the platypus, fly among rainforest canopy on a zipwire or take a stroll to one of Finch Hatton's waterfalls, before driving up the range to Eungella.
See a diverse range of flora and fauna on a rainforest walk and experience breathtaking views of the Pioneer Valley, truly spectacular at sunrise and sunset. Travel to Broken River for the chance to see a platypus in the wild. Eungella National Park can be experienced as a day trip, or extend your visit to enjoy warm hospitality from one of the rainforest's many accommodation and dining establishments.
Map & Directions
320 Nebo Road, Mackay, Queensland 4740 Australia