Finch Hatton War Memorial

Finch Hatton Historical Sites and Heritage Locations



The Pioneer Valley sugar towns of Finch Hatton and Netherdale joined forces for their WWI memorial - the popular Queensland choice, a soldier or 'Digger' statue.

It was erected on 19 November 1921, paid for through public subscription at a cost of £200, and honours the lives of 16 local men who did not return.

North Queensland monumental masons Melrose and Fenwick produced the sandstone memorial, the life-sized soldier, head bowed, a tree trunk supporting his feet. Not often seen in other states, Queenslanders liked the Digger statue, seeing it as personifying the enduring qualities of their 'boys': youth, loyalty, innocence, courage and masculinity.

It's thought that the Finch Hatton war memorial was never officially unveiled.

The names of seven locals who died in WWII have been added.

Map & Directions

Anzac Parade, Finch Hatton, Queensland 4756 Australia,