Pet Friendly Holidays Made Easy

Mackay Tourism has released a new itinerary designed to educate pet owners holidaying to The Mackay Region. Featuring helpful dos and don’ts and a map of off leash areas, the itinerary aims to ensure a safe and joyful holiday for two and four legged members of the family.

Mackay Tourism Chair Michele Shea explained what initiated the new itinerary.

“The Mackay Region is renowned for its pristine, natural environment and for its treasured and protected wildlife. As a result, Mackay Tourism has partnered with Mackay Regional Council to produce an itinerary to help pet owners identify areas where they can and can’t go,” she said.

“The most important thing to remember when travelling with pets, is that domestic animals cannot set foot inside national parks including Cape Hillsborough and Eungella,” stated Ms Shea.

Ms Shea also runs The Old Station Tea House, which is pet friendly.

“We love welcoming pets to the Tea House. Many people are now choosing to take their pets with them on holidays, and The Mackay Region has many pet friendly accommodation and service providers, plus several off-leash dog parks and beaches to enjoy,” she explained.

‘Pet Friendly Holidays in The Mackay Region’ is available on the @Visit Mackay Facebook page, online at, and from the Mackay and Mackay Region Visitor Information Centres, at City Gates and the Sarina Field of Dreams respectively.




Daniel Brown - Communications Officer

0448 994 180

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Published: 19 November 2019 

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