That Sapphire Place
Open Hours: Note: Open Wednesday to Saturday from 1000 until 1600. Closed Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Public Holidays and for maintenance from January to mid-February.
Come and be dazzled at That Sapphire Place; an exquisite collection of rare and precious natural gemstones by gem cutters and gem merchants with more than 25 years experience in Lapidary and Gem Cutting.
Specialising in natural sapphires of all colours, natural rubies, natural emeralds, individually hand picked gem stones, crystals and mineral specimens, many sourced direct from miners throughout Australia and internationally. Other Gemstones in the collection include precious natural Aquamarine, Tourmaline, Opals and Pearls. They have jewellery manufactured by Qualified Tradesmen, and Gem Cutting daily on premises.
Also browse locally sourced exquisite gift wares.