Situated on the Peak Downs Highway, Eton is a charming rural community, 25 kilometres west of Mackay City.
Situated on the Peak Downs Highway, Eton is a charming rural community, 25 kilometres west of Mackay City.
The local pub is at the heart of this community and is a great place to meet the locals and enjoy a great bite to eat. A small rustic church is perched on the hill, visible from the main road.
The town is in the heart of a sugar cane growing community and much of the surrounding landscape is dominated by farming and sugar cane fields. The rural roads surrounding Eton are relatively quiet and are often used by the local cycling club for competition races.
During sugar cane crushing season, from June to November, these rural back-roads are a good place to watch sugar cane harvesters working. Be mindful of many small railway crossings, many of which do not have lights or warning systems, for small trains hauling carriages of sugar cane.
A true blue Aussie cowboy experience is located near Eton at Stoney Creek. Trail ride on horseback, enjoy a bush campfire or go on a Four Wheel Drive adventure through rugged farmland.
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